Updated Open Access Dataset: Covid-Heat Survey Version 2 now available

Since uploading the raw data a few months ago, the Cool Infrastructures team has been hard at work cleaning it up for greater ease of use. We have been double-checking translations, coding open questions and removing superfluous information associated with the data collection process. 

To view the new ‘cleaned-up’ dataset, go to the Edinburgh repository site here: https://datashare.is.ed.ac.uk/handle/10283/3804

These are the main changes, with a shout out to those who did the work:

Maximum daily temperature and corresponding relative humidity data added, and calculated in terms of the Heat Index (HI), for each survey date in each city. These values are now provided for each response. Thanks to Sajid Mehmood, Uni of Edinburgh, for putting this together – you can find his detailed methodology as one of the documents in the file. 

English language translations were checked and in many cases completely re-done by members of the team: Aalok Khandekar (from Hindi); Anindrya Nastiti and Wika Maulany Fatimah (from Bahasa Indonesia); Kirsten Campbell (from French, for Cameroon); and Adam Abdullah (Urdu).


Presentation: Cool Infrastructures at the Global Dialogue Platform


Podcast: Cool Infrastructures on “Can’t Take the Heat”