Research Collaborations
If you are interested in accessing or sharing our data, or learning more about this project please reach out to one of the lead investigators.

Research Opportunities
If you are developing an Undergraduate or Masters level dissertation project and would be interested in collaborating with Cool Infrastructures, please get in touch with one of the Investigators to discuss current areas of interest to the team.

Current areas of interest include:

  • Heat & Covid 19: In 2020, Cool infrastructures collected survey data from over 4400 respondents in Pakistan, India, Indonesia and Cameroon regarding their experience of heat exposure and Covid-19 measures. We are looking for students to either apply and potentially extend an analysis protocol to the data for Pakistan, Indonesia or Cameroon, or to conduct new types of comparative analysis across the four countries in the study. (Suitable for those with an Undergraduate of Master’s degree or training in: public health, sports science, mathematics and statistics, or similar.)